I shared this post to the Facebook page but wanted it to have a bigger audience. It’s day one of the corona virus quarantine and we’re ready to take it on!

To be honest, I’m not thrilled about the idea of being home with three, alone for a month. 🤷♀️
Who would be?! My main concerns are that my kindergartner’s budding mind will halt or that my other two won’t hit their milestones because no one is getting enough attention. There is also that underlying concern that I might be walking into the Hunger Games arena this morning. 😬
However, I get a bonus month with my littles! And if I play my cards right, “First Summer” as I call it, will go down in our family history as that awesome break we had. Instead of that time we all thought we were going to be horribly ill and live off cocktail garnishes from the basement.
Here’s my plan:
🧖🏻♀️ Press Pause. The world is doing it, why not us? This is a GREAT opportunity to take a breath, slow down and reconnect with yourself/each other.
⏰ Utilize My Time. Look, I’m not saying check out the whole month, just some of it. Make an individual schedule for everyone including time together and time apart. *key* I even scheduled daily self-care and a plan to tackle all those projects around the house.
😊 Staying Positive. I’m choosing to look at the bright side and will be sharing regular upbeat messages on social. Some things I’ve been asking myself to get in that mind frame:
— How can we make the most of this opportunity?
— What will we learn about ourselves?
— What challenges can I over come?
📲 Staying Connected. Just because I can’t catch up wit my friends at drop off or visit my grandmother, doesn’t mean I can’t stay connected. We live in the glorious age of technology allowing social media, Facetime, and a plethora of other tools to connect with one another. STAY online, text a friend, pick up the phone. I’m setting up virtual play dates for my kids.
I’ve been seeing this meme lately about how our grandparents were called to war and we’re being called to a couch. Puts things into perspective, right?
We’re all in this together, so let’s make that a great place to be! ☀️