D’s aunt has been a lifesaver over the years, helping care for the kids. Especially when I’ve been down for the count (she has seen me at my worst of the worst) and one thing she always does during those times is make us soup. I refer to this as ‘Sue Soup’ and I swear it’s a cure* all for whatever ails ya! This is my take on it, adjusted for picky eaters and mass supply. It’s simple, it’s delicious, and I had two bowls while writing this.

1 bag of frozen turkey meatballs, mini if you can find them
3 large carrots, peeled and chopped
6 stalks for celery, shopped
1 medium onion, chopped
1 bunch of spinach, washed
4 – 32 oz containers of chicken broth
1 lb. Acini di Pepe
2 tbs. Better Than Bouillon Roasted Chicken Base
- Heat the meatballs in a frying pan on medium. May need to add a little oil to the pan. Once brown, place in a large pot.
- Add stock, base, seasonings to taste to the pot.
- Toss vegetables in a frying pan with a dash of oil, salt and pepper. Once tender, add to the pot.
- Bring to boil and then set to simmer for 25-30 minutes.
- Add acini de pepe, let simmer with lid on for 15 minutes.
- Toss in spinach and replace the lid until wilted.
- Stir and serve!
What I love about this recipe is that it is so easy to tweak for your taste. It’s one that my entire family enjoys and we’re definitely looking forward to dinner tonight!
<3 Thanks Aunt Sue!
*Disclaimer, this recipe does not literally cure anything but it does make your feel SO MUCH better when you’re done.